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Lab Draw + Results:

Our Vitamin D protocol requires a recent 25-hydroxyvitamin D test in order for us to determine the best protocol needed to enhance your health.


The Vitamin D3 lab test (25 hydroxyVitamin D) can be drawn at Replenish weekdays before 4pm. $77. You may also have this lab drawn at your physician's office and send us a very recent copy of the results.


Vitamin D: 

The EASIEST way to ENHANCE your health is making sure your Vitamin D levels are in optimal range (50-60).


Vitamin D was first discovered as a fat soluble vitamin in the early 20th century. It is now recognized as a prohormone, or a substance that the body converts to a hormone. Vitamin D is manufactured by the body in response to the skin’s exposure to the UVB rays in sunlight. Its most important role is allowing the body to absorb calcium.


As a result of this function, Vitamin D is critical for the maintenance of healthy bones and the immune system in general. Not only does it help prevent fractures, it also lowers the risk of some cancers (colon, breast, and prostate), regulates hormones, and can help alleviate some symptoms of depression.


Further, a deficiency in Vitamin D can affect over 300 processes in the body and is highly correlated with many chronic disease states including: diabetes, cardiovascular disease, metabolic disease, infectious diseases, and cancers. Vitamin D deficiency has also been shown to be a risk factor for autoimmune diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, and Type I Diabetes. As previously stated, a Vitamin D deficiency can also lead to increased risk of a number of neuropsychiatric diseases such as depression, schizophrenia, seasonal affective disorder, and general cognitive impairment. Vitamin D powers over 300 processes in the body, and deficiency is highly correlated with many chronic disease states. Vitamin D3 has been shown to help support bone health and the immune system, prevent fractures, lower risk of some cancers (colon, breast, prostate cancer), regulate hormones and alleviate some symptoms of depression.


Common risk factors for Vitamin D deficiency are:

  • staying indoors often
  • being overweight
  • not eating a lot of fish or dairy
  • having a dark complexion
  • living far from the equator
  • always wearing sunscreen
  • being older in age (elderly)

Vitamin D Test (25,hydroxyvitamin D)

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